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Segment’s powerful customer data platform is now fully integrable with Edgee, allowing you to centralize your data collection and analytics seamlessly at the edge. This component eliminates the need to embed Segment’s script directly on your website, significantly improving site performance and adhering to strict privacy standards.

Event Mapping

Here’s how Edgee events map to Segment events:

Edgee eventSegment Event

When you make a user call, Edgee will send an identify event to Segment. Additionally, the user’s data (user_id, anonymous_id, and properties) are stored on the device, enabling proper attribution for subsequent page views and events.

Getting Started

To integrate Segment with your project on Edgee:

  1. Log in first to your Segment account and create a new source for your project. 🚨WARNING Your source has to be a HTTP API source.
  2. Copy the Write Key from the Segment dashboard.
    (Your Write Key can be found under the source Settings > API Keys)
  3. Log into your Edgee console and navigate to the Data Collection service within your project.
  4. Select “Add Destination” and pick “Segment” from the list of available analytics components.
  5. Enter your Segment Write Key and click Save.
  6. With this setup, you’re ready to transmit events directly to Segment, leveraging the edge’s power for your analytics.

Destination Name

When configuring your Edgee Data Layer or making SDK calls, use segment as the component name:

  "components": {
    "segment": true

For more details on Segment implementation, refer to the official Segment documentation.